
Showing posts from April, 2017

A Response to An "Apology" to the Eastern Orthodox Community

A Response to An "Apology" to the Eastern Orthodox Community by Fr. Benedict Simpson · April 21, 2017 Many of you have now seen the recent bit of vitriol being directed at Hank (John) Hanegraaff and towards the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church by bloggers of the  “Bully”  Pulpit & Pen. The first bit of drivel being launched by a blogger named Jeff Maples and now this bit of propaganda as a chiding piece of self-serving sophistry from the owner of the blog, JD Hall. Many of you may remember him as being the self-proclaimed Baptist minister that was accused of cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking Brandon Caner; a 15-year old teenager suffering from cancer who ended his own life after interactions with Mr. Hall. Mr. Hall has denied any culpability for the teenager’s suicide from the exchange between Brandon Caner and himself; but nonetheless issued 3,180-word “confession” to answer the outrage caused by his “alleged” involvement in the matter. (* I said "...